AES Europe 2023 Social Events

Saturday Evening

May 13th, 2023
7:00PM - 10:00 PM

Archipelago Sightseeing Cruise

NO ONSITE RESERVATION  – To participate, reserve online before May 11


Join friends and colleagues for a cruise with Buffet to enjoy the beautiful archipelago scenery on Royal Line’s m/s Royal Cat or m/s Natalia. The cruise departs from Eteläesplanadi (Kauppatori), Helsinki, close to the Kamppi district. At the end of Saturday’s papers and workshops program, guides will be on hand to escort you for the 15 min Metro ride from Aalto University’s Dipoli Conference Center into the city (8-10 min walk at either end).  See map below.


The cruise will be from 7:00PM – 10:00PM and participants should plan to be at the meeting point at approximately 6:00 PM. Detailed information will be available onsite at the registration desk.


Spaces are limited, we recommend booking for the cruise at the same time as registering for the convention.


$75 including Buffet. Cash bar available. (If your social plans change you can obtain a refund on the cruise up until March 20, after that we regret we cannot offer refunds.)


To add a cruise reservation to an existing registration:

  • Select Events then My Registrations from the black menu bar
  • select AES Europe 2023 – 154th Convention
  • select Modify Registration
  • add your reservation(s)


Sunday Evening

May 14th, 2023

Student Party – all Convention attendees welcome!


At the heart of AES Europe 2023, Entropy invites attendees to a unique pure experience of a well-known audio concept: the pressure maximum. Maximum pressure nodes are created through the constructive interference of sound waves and result in a strong amplification of the sound.

Are you ready to stay in the maximum pressure bass all throughout the night?

In this event, Entropy noise presents the experience of maximum nodes in three spaces:

  • Maximun Sound Pressure Node: Rave room
  • Maximum Temperature Node: Ambient Sauna
  • Maximum Dialogue Node: Cocktail Party room


Bring your dance shoes for the loud and fast rave room, a towel for the hot steam ambient sauna and come meet your fellows in the cocktail party node.

The event starts at 8:00 pm on Sunday, May 14 and will end at 5 am.
event website page
Otakaari 20, Espoo, 02150

Don’t forget your Convention badge – you wil be required to show it at the entrance.


Thank you to the event sponsors:
YAN-EAA Young Acousticians Network

With thanks to our Key Platinum partner: