The topics below are preliminary. A final schedule will be posted when it becomes available. If you are interested in presenting at AES Europe 2025, start your submission here.
Acoustics of smaller rooms |
Acoustics of large performance or rehearsal spaces |
Room acoustic solutions and materials |
Sound isolation related to music as a source |
Audio in education |
Audio for mobile and handheld devices |
Auditory display and sonification |
Automotive audio |
Digital broadcasting |
Forensic audio |
Interactive sound |
Networked, Internet, and remote audio |
New audio interfaces |
Web audio technologies |
Archiving and restoration |
Audio and music information retrieval |
Audio formats |
Automatic content description |
Digital libraries |
Analysis and synthesis of sound |
Audio coding and compression |
Audio effects |
Auditory scene analysis |
High resolution audio |
Machine listening |
Music and speech signal processing |
Generative AI for speech and audio |
Electronic instrument design & applications |
Instrumentation and measurement |
Interaction of transducers and the room |
Loudspeakers and headphones |
Microphones, converters, and amplifiers |
Musical instrument design |
Protocols and data formats |
Wireless and wearable audio |
Audio for virtual/augmented reality environments |
Evaluation of spatial audio |
Game audio |
Impact of room acoustics on immersive audio |
Multichannel and spatial audio |
Sound design/acoustic simulation of immersive audio environments |
Spatial audio applications |
Audio perception |
Audio quality |
Hearing loss, protection, and enhancement |
Listening tests and evaluation |
Psychoacoustics |
Room acoustics and perception |
Speech intelligibility |
Electronic dance music |
Hip-Hop/R&B |
Live event and stage audio |
Mixing, remixing, and mastering |
Sound design and reinforcement |
Studio recording techniques |