Travel Information

You are very welcome to Finland and Helsinki!
From this page you can find answers to frequently asked questions related to traveling in Finland, as well as links to additional information sources.

About Finland

A good way to get to know Finland, the country of thousands of lakes, midnight sun, and technology is to visit Virtual Finland, which provides general information about the country. You can even learn a bit Finnish, while browsing their web pages. In general, the majority of the population speaks fluent English (some also Swedish and German), so you don't need to learn the whole Finnish dictionary.

How to get to Otaniemi

Probably the easiest way to travel between Helsinki center and Otaniemi is to take a 15-minute ride with metro. Information about the public transportation and ticket prices in Helsinki area is provided by HSL The journey planner is a very handy tool when you need to check when the metros and buses run. Taxi is also an option. Taxis take credit cards and tipping is not required.

From Airport to otaniemi(25 km)

Train + metro (abt 75 min) - take the train to the Helsinki central railway station - switch to metro towards Tapiola or Kivenlahti, and exit at Aalto-yliopisto

Taxi (abt 30 min). Address for taxi driver:

- Otakaari 5 A, Espoo (Acoustics Laboratory, where the first day workshop is) OR - Dipoli, Espoo (The convention venue)

From Airport to center:

- take the train - take the taxi

Good to know

The international phone code for Finland is +358.
Taxi: +358 (0) 100 0700

Current weather in Helsinki
Current weather in Finland
The average the temperature in mid-May is 10 degrees Celsius, and rainfall is low, but be prepared for temperatures as low as 2 degrees Celsius. The sun sets at abt 10PM, and the darkness comes at abt 11PM.

The time in Finland is GMT +2. The current time in Finland can be found at World Time Server.



The currency of Finland is Euro (EUR, €).  Major credit cards are accepted in most shops, restaurants, and hotels. Cash can be withdrawn with credit cards from ATM machines. 
In Finland, VAT (23 %) is included in all prices. In restaurants, tipping is not expected. You may, however, tip for extraordinarily good service.
Please check well in advance whether you need a visa to visit Finland. 
There are no vaccination requirements for any international travelers.
Electrical socket type: 50 Hz, 230 V (the same as in the continental EU countries). 
Sights in Helsinki
Helsinki Area
Helsinki and the surrounding cities Espoo, Vantaa, and Kauniainen form the capital area of Finland with about 1.2 million inhabitants. Helsinki forms the heart of trade, culture, and science in Finland. The head offices of the most prominent Finnish companies are located in Helsinki, as well as eight of the 20 universities in Finland. The most well-known museums and sights in Finland can be found in the Helsinki area. The center of Helsinki offers the best possibilities for shopping: large department stores and small boutiques are within walking distance.
Information about sights in Helsinki is available here Espoo Travel web pages offer information about what to do and see in Espoo.
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